Most important general knowledge questions in urdu


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General knowledge (GK) questions about Pakistan are very important for several reasons:

1. National Pride: Knowing about Pakistan's history, culture, and achievements is a matter of national pride.

2. Citizenship: As a Pakistani citizen, it's essential to know about the country's laws, government, and institutions.

3. Education: GK questions about Pakistan are an integral part of the education system, helping students learn about their country's history, geography, and culture.

4. Competitive Exams: GK questions about Pakistan are often asked in competitive exams, such as CSS, PMS, and NTS, to assess a candidate's knowledge about the country.

5. Interviews: In job interviews, GK questions about Pakistan can be asked to evaluate a candidate's knowledge, patriotism, and interest in national affairs.

6. Global Awareness: Knowing about Pakistan's global standing, international relations, and contributions to the world community is essential in today's interconnected world.

7. Critical Thinking: GK questions about Pakistan can help develop critical thinking skills, as they require analyzing and evaluating information about the country.

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